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Maksud, Tujuan, Visi, Misi, Tekad YPK PLN

Maksud dan tujuan pendirian YPK PLN adalah pada bidang sosial dengan menjalankan kegiatan

  1. Penyelenggaraan sekolah/ pendidikan
    atau kegiatan lainnya.
  2. Meningkatkan keahlian, ketrampilan serta kesejahteraan, khususnya kepada Keluarga Besar PT PLN (Persero) dan masyarakat pada umumnya.

3. Memberikan bantuan atau beasiswa, khususnya kepada Keluarga Besar PT PLN (Persero) dan masyarakat pada umumnya.

4. Bantuan Sosial pada umumnya


” Menjadi Yayasan yang mandiri  serta berkontribusi aktif dalam mencerdaskan  dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia ”


1. Melaksanakan kegiatan di bidang pendidikan dan sosial yang berdampak pada peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat umum dan Keluarga Besar PT PLN (Persero).
2. Melaksanakan kegiatan usaha secara GCG, profesional dan kompetitif untuk membiayai keberlangsungan kegiatan Yayasan.


1. Berkontribusi memberi nilai tambah bagi PLN 
2. Menjadi ‘sekoci’ bagi pensiunan/ pegawai PLN

We are true to ourselves, and commit to always perform at our best.

We believe that we are outstanding. Not because we say it, but because we work hard at it. We are dedicated, committed and focused. We believe that every person will reach their personal best and overcome any challenge through a shared culture and ethos.



We provide outstanding service through teamwork, accountability and innovation of which is reflected in the quality of our results.


With up to 10 currency accounts with 45 currencies supported, you can instantly receive and send money to almost anyone anywhere in the world, anytime.


Teamwork, experience, accountability and innovation – all of which is reflected in the quality of our results.


Most of our clients come to us after working with another consultant or not getting the results they were expecting from implementing Tabs3 or PracticeMaster on their own. Regardless of your circumstances, chances are we can help you in reaching your objectives and provide a clear cost/time savings benefit analysis before you make the commitment.

This is the cornerstone of everything we do. We care about your law firm, your people, your specific needs, and results that you can use and measure immediately.

Our clients entrust us to solve difficult problems in a manner that is secure and confidential from our first contact with them. Trust is the first attribute our clients recognize when we discuss solutions rather than problems.

We are true to ourselves, and commit to always perform at our best.

Frequently asked questions

Shaping culture has been our sole focus since we were founded 40 years ago. We have worked in more than 50 countries around the world and are able to deliver our work in ten languages.

Value engineering is based on a methodology developed by Lawrence Mines, who worked for the General Nizer Company in the USA during the Second World War. Because of the war, there were shortages of materials and certain finished products.

However, manufacturing was running at maximum capacity, and ideas were needed to expand production.

We support CEOs, CFOs, controllers and treasurers to optimise the structure of their finance functions to improve their contribution to the business. We structure our support to ensure that finance addresses the challenges of achieving appropriate standards of control, efficient back office opportunities and support to the business through insight and challenge.

We can also provide consultancy services to design and deliver development programs for business analysts at any level. We can help define the knowledge and key skills required for new or existing roles, assessing current or required competency levels and putting in place development programs.


We provide the best value to our customers by continuously refining our processes and cost structure.